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Housing Strategy 2018 - 2022 Consultation |
We want a Housing Strategy that makes a difference to the people who live in Medway. We asked stakeholders including supported housing providers, registered housing providers, health, police, landlords, and other statutory and voluntary sector organisations to tell us what to keep doing, what to aim towards and actions we should take. We used this to write our three priorities;
1.Deliver homes that meet the identified needs of Medway residents
2.Improve the quality of homes and lives
3.Ensure people can access housing and service to keep them independent
These led us to write the action plan you can find at the end of the strategy. |
We want your feedback and your suggestions for improving the strategy. We’ll make a record of all the responses, and consider each idea carefully. This may lead to us making changes to the strategy and the action plan. When we've got a final version, we'll seek approval for the strategy via the council's committees and Cabinet. Once the strategy is agreed, we’ll publish it on our website and form a monitoring group to check our progress against the strategy regularly. |
The consultation will open on 9 August 2018 and close on 6 September 2018.
Taking part in the survey is entirely voluntary. Before taking part you should read our privacy notice as this tells you about the information we collect and what we will do with it. |
This notice is about Medway Council and the collection of personal information for the Housing Strategy Survey. In this notice, Medway Council will be referred to as ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’.
Medway Council is the data controller (contact details below) for the information you provide when completing the Housing Strategy survey. This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes. |
Medway Council is developing its Housing Strategy for 2018-2022. The responses received will be key in helping us to make sure the strategy is covering the right things and if there is anything else we should consider before the strategy is agreed through the Council’s decision making processes.
By taking part in the survey you will be agreeing to us processing your personal information in the analysis of your response. The types of activity this includes is:-
- processing your survey; - grouping and analysing the results by different characteristics e.g. about you or the organisation you work. - Sharing aggregated results with other parts of the council - If you are an organisation, contacting you about your response. |
We will collect and process the following personal information about you if you are responding as an individual -
- Your sex - Your age group - Your ethnicity - If you have a long term illness or disability
If you are responding as an organisation we will ask for the name of the organisation you work for. We will also ask for a contact name and details of the most appropriate person to discuss your response with; providing these details is voluntary and you will be asked your consent to provide them. |
When completing the survey you will provide information about who you are (demographics) if you are responding as an individual or your organisation name and contact details if you are responding on behalf of an organisation. We provide more detail below about how we use each category of information.
Your information will not be passed to any third parties unless we are required to do so by law for example as part of a criminal or fraud investigation.
If you are responding as an individual the information you provide will not be used to report on individual responses. We will combine your response with all the other responses we receive to create statistical reports of the results of the survey to allow us to identify trends in responses between different groups of users.
If you are responding as an organisation, the organisation name may be used as part of reports. Any contact details provided will not be used for any other purpose than discussing your response with you. |
The information below explains how we use each of the categories of data.
Who you are
For individuals the demographic information (age group, sex and if you have a long term illness or disability) you provide is used to:-
Understand the profile of respondents and how it compares to Medway as a whole. help us understand the demographics (age group, sex, ethnicity and long term illness or disability status) of who has responded to the survey and if there are any differences between groups.
The information you provide is pseudonymised; that means that the personal information we ask for is grouped by a field which makes it harder to identify a person for example instead of using your month and year of birth we ask your age group.
Your organisation
If you are responding on behalf of an organisation you will be asked to provide your organisation name.
You will also be asked for your contact name and details of the most appropriate person to discuss your response with; providing these details is voluntary. We will ask specifically for your consent to do this as part of the survey. |
We will keep the completed surveys for 12 months after the close of the survey.
We will process your data as you have given your consent to complete the survey. After you have submitted the survey we have a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data for the specific purposes outlined in the ‘how we use your information section’.
We will ask you for your consent for aspects which are not vital for the running of the survey at each relevant point of the survey.
As we are using your personal information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You can do so by e-mailing housing.enquiries@medway.gov.uk and withdrawing your consent. This is one of your data processing rights, a summary of your other rights can be seen below. |
The right to be informed – You have the right to be told how your personal information will be used. This notice, and shorter statements we use in our communications, are intended to be a clear description of how your data may be used.
The right of access - You can write to us asking what information we hold on you and to request a copy of that information. This is called a Subject Access Request. We will have 30 days to respond to you once we are satisfied you have right to see the requested records and we have successfully confirmed your identity. Details on how to submit a Subject Access Request can be found on our data protection page. |
The right to rectification - If you believe our records are inaccurate you have the right to ask for the records concerning you to be updated. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you corrected. We may need to verify the accuracy of the new data provided to us. You can let us know about any changes to your information by emailing housing.enquiries@medway.gov.uk.
The right to erasure – this is also known as ‘your right to be forgotten’. If you withdraw your consent for the processing of your data we will delete the personally identifiable information we hold about you.
The right to restrict processing – you have the right to restrict our processing of your data in some cases for example if we disagree about the accuracy of the data. |
The right to data portability – as you have given your data by consent you have the right to request a copy of your personally identifiable information. This information can be passed directly to you or a third party in a machine readable format.
The right to object – as you have given your data by consent you do not have the right to object to your data being processed, but you are able to withdraw your consent at any time you choose by emailing housing.enquiries@medway.gov.uk. You do have the right to object to your data being used for direct marketing purposes. |
Rights in relation to automated decision making – In a situation where a data controller is using your personal data in a computerised model or algorithm to make decisions “that have a legal effect on you”, you have the right to object. For example if you were applying for a mortgage or finance products. We do not undertake complex computerised decision making that produce legal effects. |
If you would like to contact us for more information about the Housing Strategy 2018-22 you can contact us by email at housing.enquiries@medway.gov.uk or in writing to Housing Strategy, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR.
If you have any queries or complaints about this privacy notice please contact us:-
Data Protection Officer; Gayle Jones on 01634 334329, by email at GDPR@medway.gov.uk or write to the Data Protection Officer, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR.
If you are unhappy with the response to a complaint you have made you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:-
By phone on 0303 123 1113, online at www.ico.org.uk or at the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
Last updated 6 August 2018 |
Are you happy to take part in the Housing Strategy Survey, with Medway Council using your personal data as stated in our privacy policy? |
Priority 1 - Deliver homes that meet the identified needs of Medway’s residents |
Medway Council wants to ensure that there is enough housing of the right type and is affordable to meet the changing needs of Medway residents taking into account the following issues: |
- Medway’s population is increasing - it is predicted that there will be 22% more people living in Medway by 2037. - Medway’s population is changing - there will be more households in all age ranges but especially those aged 65 and older. - Changes in home ownership with fewer households being owner occupiers and more people renting - The average cost of properties to buy and to rent has increased over and above increases in average wages. - Changes in benefits - The need for more housing of all types, but particularly flats and houses with two bedrooms. - Changes in affordable housing funding with funds now being focussed on starter homes and shared ownership instead of affordable rental units. - Medway Council is proactively looking at how it can develop council owned land for housing and making sure the provision of high standard developments through Medway Development Company Ltd. |
Priority 1 - Deliver homes that meet the identified needs of Medway’s residents |
The priority is supported by a number of actions. Thinking about each action, do you agree or disagree that they help to deliver the priority of ‘delivering homes that meet the identified needs of Medway’s residents’? |
Agree |
Disagree |
1.01a - Deliver at least 204 additional affordable homes per annum. |
1.01b - Secure at least 25% of newly built homes as affordable on any site meeting the council’s size threshold. |
1.01c - Work with Registered Providers and the HCA to secure an annual investment in affordable housing of £20m |
1.02 - Achieve a balanced mix of affordable housing unit sizes |
1.03 - Achieve a balanced approach with regards to tenure with 60% Affordable Rented homes and 40% Shared Ownership |
1.04 - Support and develop a delivery programme for Extra Care Specialist and Sheltered Housing to meet demand |
1.05 - Spend monies received as commuted affordable housing sums effectively to deliver additional affordable homes. |
1.06 - Provide new residential developments, to support the regeneration of Medway’s urban areas. |
1.07 - Develop a new local plan for Medway |
1.08 - Infrastructure to support housing growth by seeking funding to provide road, rail and social infrastructure. New developments will contribute to roads, schools, etc. |
1.09 - Review of our allocations policy |
1.10 - Develop proposals to make the existing temporary accommodation offer more varied, incorporating potential demand for accommodation needed by local care teams, including those with no recourse to public funding and those found to be intentionally homeless. |
Priority 2 - Improve the quality of homes and people’s lives |
The quality of housing has an impact on people’s health, wellbeing and achievement. Therefore the council wants to continue working with private landlords and tenants to make sure they get the information they need, giving advice on tenancy concerns and requiring landlords to keep their properties to an acceptable standard. Where people own their homes the council will continue to support vulnerable owner occupiers by recommending partners to provide advice to those seeking support around maintenance. |
Priority 2 - Improve the quality of homes and people’s lives |
Priority 3 - Ensure people can access housing and services to keep them independent |
Providing support so that vulnerable people can stay in their own home or, where appropriate, find better accommodation to help them stay active and living independently is important. The council wants to make sure that there is the right type and right amount of housing related support and other help for people to stay in their homes for longer. The council will need to take into account changes that will affect funding for supported housing and new requirements as part of the Homelessness Reduction Act to help more people stay in their home. |
Priority 3 - Ensure people can access housing and services to keep them independent |
The priority is supported by a number of actions. Thinking about each action, do you agree or disagree that they help to deliver the priority of ‘ensuring people can access housing and services to keep them independent’? |
Agree |
Disagree |
3.01 - Increase GP practice awareness of housing services including referring suitable patients to Occupational Therapy service, floating support, housing options, etc. |
3.02 - Develop proposals around further housing initiatives to make best use of existing resources. Explore what has been successful in other local authorities, particularly solutions which we do not currently have in Medway. Examples of this would be the Homeshare initiative**, modular homes, etc. (** Homeshare is a scheme where a persons can offer a room in their house to a person who does some non personal care for them. This could include shopping, cooking, etc.) |
3.03 - Prepare for the upcoming changes to supported housing funding by: mapping out the existing provision of commissioned and non-commissioned services. Combining this data with projected demographic changes and mapped need of partners in social care, CRC, public health etc. to create an overall needs map for Medway. |
3.04 - Agree an inspection programme to support the changes to supported housing and ensure providers understand the published expectations. Agree a process to carry this out within available resources. |
3.05 - Take part in relevant working groups, data collection / pilot exercise to allow input of our concerns around coverage and practicalities of the new system. Communicate this amongst partners and stakeholders. |
3.06 - Work closely with colleagues in adult social care and partnership commissioning around identifying housing options available for individuals with complex needs mapped by the services working towards the aims of e.g. the transforming care partnership. |
3.07a - Revise our pathways for moving on from supported housing to match the realities of the housing market in Medway and ensure our resources are used effectively. |
3.07b - Ensure that expectations, for moving on from supported housing, are understood and managed in line with the availability of social housing and private housing options. Communicate this to referrers, supported housing providers, applicants and the general public. Work with our communications department on a wider messaging strategy around options for housing. |
3.08 - Review the way Medway provides Disabled Facilities Grants to enable people with disabilities to access their home and essential facilities within it. |
3.09 - Provide a Sanctuary Scheme to install security measures in the homes domestic abuse survivors |
3.10 - Review our current provision of Housing Related Support Services (supported housing and floating support). Explore models of support provision and outcomes framework through stakeholder, service user and market engagement. |
3.11 - Monitor the level of out of area placements into Medway |
3.12 - Review pathways and understand the ongoing housing requirements for care leavers. |
Developing a Housing Strategy |
Medway is committed to consulting with all its residents and so, to ensure that all groups within the community have the opportunity to participate, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with the following information. The information provided will remain private and confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. You are under no obligation to provide the following information and it will not affect your input if you choose not to. |
In which of the following age bands do you fall? |
What is your ethnic group? |
Do you have any long-standing health problem or disability? Long-standing means anything that has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months. (please tick the appropriate box) |
Are you happy to provide a contact name and email address for us to discuss your response with you?
You do not have to provide these details to be able to complete the survey |
Housing Strategy 2018 - 2022 Consultation |
Thank you for your initial interest in the Housing Strategy survey. Unfortunately as you do not want to give your permission to take part we cannot process your personal information. If you change your mind you can take part in the survey whilst it is open. Please close your internet browser now to end this survey. |
Housing Strategy 2018 - 2022 Consultation |
Thank you for completing this survey about the draft Housing Strategy.
Your comments will be recorded and considered. The strategy may be amended using the comments received. When the final version is agreed it will be posted on our website and we will begin working with our partner organisations to implement and monitor it. |
Medway Council will keep the information provided above as confidential. Access to, retention and disposal of this information will be strictly in accordance with the privacy notice for this survey. Individuals will not be identifiable in any reporting. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the privacy notice within this survey and complies with Medway Council’s Data Protection notice.
Responses will be kept for one year and then destroyed. |
Please press submit below to send us your views. After pressing submit you will return to the Medway Council website |
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