Medway Local Plan
Adopted May 2003

Reference numbers in the key refer to policies and proposals in the Written Statement. Certain proposals relate to named locations where exact site boundaries will be determined at the detailed design stage General policies apply throughout the plan area


- Land outside the Local Plan Area

- Local Plan Boundary

- Boundary of Urban Area/Rural Settlement

- Striped notation indicates Overlapping Designation


- Medway’s ‘City’ Centre S5
- Rochester Riverside Action Area S7
- Chatham Maritime S8
- Chatham Historic Dockyard S9
- Strood Waterfront Action Area S10
- Rochester Airfield S11
- Kingsnorth S12
- Isle of Grain S13
- Ministry of Defence Estate, Chattenden S14


- Existing Conservation Areas BNE12, BNE13, BNE14, BNE15

- Scheduled Ancient Monuments BNE20

- Small Scheduled Ancient Monuments BNE20

- Boundary of Metropolitan Green Belt BNE30

- Strategic Gap BNE31

- Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty BNE32 and North Downs Special Landscape Area BNE33

- North Kent Marshes Special Landscape Areas BNE33

- Areas of Local Landscape Importance BNE34

- Site of Special Scientific Interest/National Nature Reserve BNE35 (excluding areas below Mean High Water)

- Classified or potential Special Protection Area/RAMSAR site BNE36 (excluding areas below Mean High Water)

- RAMSAR site only BNE35

- Sites of Nature Conservation Interest and/or Local Nature Reserves BNE36 (existing and proposed)

- Proposed Conservation Park BNE40

- Proposed Community Forest or Woodland BNE44

- Undeveloped Coast BNE45

- Developed Coast BNE46

- Rural Lanes BNE47


- Existing Employment Areas ED1, ED4

- Proposed Employment Areas ED2, ED5
- Proposed Tourist Facilities ED12
- Proposed Hotel Sites ED13


- Residential Allocations H1

- Mobile Home Parks H13


- Retail Allocations R1, R4, R5, R6

- Core Retail Areas R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R8

- Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre R7

- Proposed Local Retail Facilities R9

- Local Centres, Village Shops and Neighbourhood Centres R10


- New Leisure Facilities L2
- Proposed Open Space L6
- New Playing Fields L7
- Proposed Water based Leisure Facilities L13

- Protection of Open Space L3
NB: Sites are only identified on the Proposals Map if over 0.25 ha. in area.

- Designated Country Park L9

- Proposed Country Park L9


- Bus Preference Measures T5

- Channel Tunnel Rail Link: safeguarded route T8*

- Existing Wharves T10

- Transport Policy Area T15

- Proposed New Parking Facilities T16
- Proposed Park & Ride Facilities T17

- Proposed Road Schemes T19*, T20
(including safeguarded corridor of M2 widening)


- Proposed Local Healthcare Facilities CF3
- Proposed Primary School CF6
- Proposed Extension to Cemetery CF8

- Boundary of Tidal Flood Area CF13
NB: Only shown on Proposals Map outside the urban boundary

* Please note: T8 & T19 policies apply to the areas both within their respective polygon and the actual line itself.