Medway’s Local Transport Plan 2000-2005 sets the objective to restrain demand for car travel by changes to vehicle parking standards and promotes cycling, walking and public transport as alternative modes. Maximum parking limits for the private car in new development are set for all land-use classes together with minimum cycle parking standard where appropriate.

This approach is fully supported by national, regional and local policies, including the Government’s White Paper on the future of transport “A New Deal for Transport”, PPG3, PPG13, RPG9 and the Medway Local Plan which contains the following policies that are applicable to parking standards:

T4: Cycle facilities
T11: Development funded transport improvement
T13: Vehicle parking standards
T15: Parking strategy
T17: Park and ride
T22: Provision for people with disabilities

The following parking standards will be subject to review during the life of the Local Plan.

Parking standards for people with a disability

Parking for people with a disability must be additional to maximum private car parking provision. Development proposals should provide adequate parking for disabled motorists, in terms of numbers and design (see Traffic Advice Leaflet 5/95, Parking for Disabled People). A guide to the number of parking spaces for disabled motorists is given in the table below (based on TA 5/95), further details are available in “Reducing Mobility Handicaps” (IHT, London, 1991)

Minimum number of parking spaces for motorists with a disability

Land use category

Car park size

Up to 200 spaces

Over 200 spaces

Business premises Ð employees and visitors

Individual space for each registered disabled employee plus two spaces or 5% of the max. private car standard whichever is the greater for visitors

Six bays
plus 2% of the max. private car standard

Shopping and recreation

Three spaces or 6% of the max. private car standard whichever is greater

Four spaces or 4% of the max. private car standard whichever is greater

Hotels with specially designed rooms

One space for each specially designed room

Parking standards for new development

The following table details Medway Council’s adopted parking standards for new development, including private vehicles, commercial vehicles and cycles. An indication is also given of the threshold for transport assessment.

The parking standards for private cars for land use classes A1, B1, C3, D1 and D2 were adopted in May 2001 as interim parking standards and take account of the guidance in PPG13, PPG3 and RPG9. It is hoped that Kent County Council and the District Councils in Kent will be able to work in partnership with Medway Council to agree common standards across Kent. The remaining vehicle parking standards for private cars and commercial vehicles are based on Kent County Council adopted standards. Cycle parking standards are taken from the Medway Council’s Strategy to encourage walking and cycling and to assist people with restricted mobility, which is a supporting document to the council’s Local Transport Plan.

Land use category:

Parking standards


A1, A2, A3

Private car parking spaces

Commercial vehicle parking spaces

Cycle parking spaces

Threshold for transport assessment

Standard type

Maximum permitted

Minimum requirement

Minimum requirement

A1 retail

Food retail, including cold food take-away

One per 18m2 GFA

One per 500m2 GFA

One per 250m2 GFA for staff/ customers (Refer to note 6)


Non food retail warehouses

One per 20m2 GFA

One per 500m2 GFA

(Refer to note 8)

Garden centres

One per 10m2 of area open to public

(Refer to note 1)

(Refer to note 3)

A2 Financial and professional services

Accountants, betting office, Bank or Building Society, Solicitors, etc.

One per 18m2 GFA plus staff parking (Refer to note 12)


One per 400m2 GFA for staff (Refer to note 6)

(Refer to note 3)

A3 Food and drink

Public houses and licensed bars

One per 4m2 GFA, plus one per 8m2 GFA for off-licence

(Refer to note 1)

One per 250m2 GFA for staff and customers

(Refer to note 3)

Restaurants, cafes and banqueting halls

One per 6m2 GFA, plus staff parking (Refer to note 12)

(Refer to note 6)

Transport cafes

(Refer to note 8)

One per 5m2 GFA

(Refer to note 8)

Hot food take-aways

Six per unit (Refer to note 4)


Land use category:

Parking standards


B1, B2, B3-B7, B8

Private car parking spaces

Commercial vehicle parking spaces

Cycle parking spaces

Threshold for transport assessment

Standard type

Maximum permitted

Minimum requirement

Minimum requirement

B1 Business

Offices, research and development of products and processes, industrial processes

One per 30m2 GFA.

(Refer to note 1)

One per 400m2 GFA for staff (Refer to note 6)


B2 General industrial

Up to 99 m2

Two spaces

(Refer to note 1)



One per 500m2 (Refer to note 6)


(Refer to note 3)



From 100 m2 to 199 m2

Three spaces

From 200m2

One per 50 m2 GFA (Refer to note 10)

B3 Ð B7 (Refer to note 3)

B8 Storage and distribution

Storage and distribution

One per 110m2 GFA (Refer to note 10)

One per 1500m3 GBV

One per 500m2 (Refer to note 6)

(Refer to note 3)

Wholesale trade distribution

One per 35m2 GFA (Refer to note 10)

One per 500m2 GFA

Land use category:

Parking standards


C1, C2, C3

Private car parking spaces

Commercial vehicle parking spaces

Cycle parking spaces

Threshold for transport assessment

Standard type

Maximum permitted

Minimum requirement

Minimum requirement

C1 Hotels and hostels

Residential hostels

One per two occupants + staff parking (Refer to note 12)



(Refer to note 8)

(Refer to note 3)


One per bedroom

C2 Residential institutions

Nursing homes with attendant care

One per six residents (for visitors) + staff parking (Refer to note 12)

One space (Refer to note 5)


(Refer to note 8)



(Refer to note 3)




Two per three beds + four for each consulting room

Residential schools, colleges or training centres

Visitor/student parking (Refer to note 11) + staff parking (Refer to note 12)

(Refer to note 1)

C3 Dwelling houses

Urban areas

Average of 1.5 per dwelling across site (Refer to note 2)






One per five dwellings (Refer to note 7)

(Refer to note 3)





Rural areas: One bedroom

One and one third per unit (Refer to note 2)




Rural areas: Two or three bedrooms

Two per unit (Refer to note 2)

Rural areas: Four or more bedrooms

Three per unit (Refer to note 2)

Sheltered housing

One per unit (Refer to note 2)

(Refer to note 8)

Land use category:

Parking standards


D1, D2

Private car parking spaces

Commercial vehicle parking spaces

Cycle parking spaces

Threshold for transport assessment


Standard type

Maximum permitted

Minimum requirement

Minimum requirement

D1 Non-residential institutions

Places of worship

One per five seats



(Refer to note 8)








(Refer to note 3)



Schools (non-residential) Ð Primary and secondary and

Staff parking (Refer to note 12) + 10% casual parking + drop off area (Refer to note 9)

Schools (non-residential) Ð Sixth form college

Staff parking (Refer to note 12) + 10% casual parking + one per seven students + drop off area (Refer to note 9)

(Refer to note 1)


Further and higher education

One per 15 full time students + 1 space per 2 staff



One per 60m2 GFA




(Refer to note 3)




Four per consulting/treatment room + staff parking (Refer to note 12)

Creches/playschools or nurseries Ð includes day nursery and day centre

One per two staff + one per four children for parents

Art galleries, museums

(Refer to note 3)


(Refer to note 14)

D2 Assembly and leisure

Cinemas, ballrooms, bingo, church halls, community centres

One per five seats


(Refer to note 8)






Sports facilities

(Refer to note 3)

Night clubs, social halls

Max. one per 20m2



Land use category:

Parking standards



Private car parking spaces

Commercial vehicle parking spaces

Cycle parking spaces

Threshold for transport assessment

Standard type

Maximum permitted

Minimum requirement

Minimum requirement

Vehicle sales

One per 50m2 GFA

(Refer to note 1)


(Refer to note 3)






Petrol filling stations

One per 20m2 GFA


(Refer to note 8)

Car servicing and repairs

Four per service bay




Open commercial uses

Staff parking (12)

(Refer to note 3)

Boating facilities, marina

One per berth


(Refer to note 8)


Touring caravan sites

1.1per unit + staff parking (Refer to note 12)


Amusement arcades

Staff parking (Refer to note 12)

Car hire

one car per four cars in service + staff parking (Refer to note 12)


One per five seats



1. Provision for deliveries off the public highway required
2. Single garage with GFA less than13.2m2 not included. Double garage with GFA less than 26.4m2 but greater than 13.2m_ treated as single garage. Multiple longitudinal parking per plot will be assessed as a maximum provision of two spaces irrespective of combined length of driveway and garage. Communal spaces should not be located more than 20m from the dwellings they serve.
3. Assessment on an individual basis
4. Drive-in or drive through facilities must provide sufficient on-site waiting space for vehicles to stand clear of the highway.
5. Separate provision must be made for ambulances and delivery vehicles
6. Cycle parking for GFA below threshold to be determined on individual merits
7. Applicable only to high density developments sharing facilities
8. To be determined on individual merits
9. Space should be provided for the setting down and picking up of children away from the highway
10. Plus car space provision for site offices up to maximum B1 (office) standard
11. One space for every two students of driving age, one space per ten resident pupils below driving age for visitors
12. Maximum one space per member of staff


GFA Gross Floor Area
GBV Gross Building Volume