Medway Archives Centre
Search help
Welcome to our local studies image database for Medway.
How to search Medway Images
The search engine performs a Boolean AND search on the title, caption and keywords fields and will hence return images where all of the words appear across any of these fields.
To find an image of a specific street, building, place, ship or event enter the details as in the following examples:
High Street Gillingham OR Gillingham High Street
St. Mary´s Church
Belsey’s Mill
HMS Challenger
Dickens Festival
To find all images of a particular feature, enter the plural version of nouns eg:
public houses
horse drawn vehicles
The resulting images are displayed in date order. Where the exact date is unknown, either an approximate date or range of dates is given.
Successful searching: abbreviations, plurals, synonyms
Please type words such as "street" and "road" in full. However, some common abbreviations have been used such as "HMS" and "St" for Saint. In the latter instance, please ensure that when using the exact phrase option, you enter a space between the abbreviation "St" and the word "Mary´s" or enter the phrase "Mary´s Church".
Additional keywords have been added to the descriptive entries to aid searching. However, if your search produces nil returns, then try broadening your search or using alternative spellings and synonyms.
If your search results in too many hits, then try limiting these by using the "exact phrase" option displayed underneath the search box.
Displaying the results
Click on the thumbnail image, or the title displayed underneath it, to display an enlarged version with full details including a descriptive caption and additional keywords. You can then either choose to view the previous or next image in large format by using the < and > arrows, or select the "return to results page" to go back to the thumbnail images, or select to do a new search by selecting "Search" from the menu.